Running etiquette: the 10 commandments
The writing of this is straight from your own mind, fabulous and funny.
Running etiquette: the 10 commandments
The writing of this is straight from your own mind, fabulous and funny.
It has been a strange week. The weather in Yeadon has been its usual topsy turvey best. Sundays run was really good plenty of gains, Monday was my rest day I hit the road again Tuesday. It was a little bit windy but dry, I felt comfortable and happy with both distance and time. Wednesday was like we had transported to October, icy winds and rain that felt like snow. The winds were gusting at 40mph but the chill factor was horrendous. I found this difficult going my legs were really sore and I felt the tightening in my right thigh and above my left knee. After my run my right thigh just felt like cramp so I decided all was well. Thursday morning my right thigh was tight but didnt feel sore, my left thigh felt totally fine. As I began my run I knew it was a mistake, but I had to finish at least 5km. The temperature was up and no wind at all made for a humid run. I felt a little tired and maybe lacking in energy, but at 8km I could take the pain any longer. My right thigh was constantly cramping I could barely walk on it let alone jog/run. I tried stretching it out to try and slacken it off but to no avail the pain was just too much. I therefore have got no choice but to have an extra day of rest tomorrow to try and heal before my 5 day stretch next week. It is really frustrating, due to running on my thigh I have aggravated my achilles tendons which brings pain to the heels of my feet. So as disappointing as it is to add an extra day of rest in it is very necessary otherwise I won't be out Monday.
So an early wish for you to enjoy your weekend.
Had a really good week for training. Plenty of distance and good timings. Windy conditions returned to Yeadon which as you will be aware by now is my enemy. However I decided that the best course of action in these conditions is to run where I can, if this means a double back then thats the plan. Today is the Leeds half marathon, it also marks the 4 months to go to the GNR even now my stomach turns. There have been points this week that I have seriously doubted my ability to do 13.1 miles. It is a jump to a new area of distance running, although I can do 10km with ease, to double it seems like a bridge too far. But I am not giving in I know that if I maintain a constant steady pace I can complete my goal.
This weeks training plan is to be out on 10km runs Tuesday & Wednesday then take up the distance on Thursday to 12km back to 10km Friday. My rest days are scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, back to 12km and upward distances Monday onwards.
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