Its been a really good week of training the weather is favourable for running dry and cloudy is my utopia. Over the last week I have changed my training plan to really extend the distances. I can do 10km comfortably and in a reasonable time ( only my personal goal ) but could I start to break into a 2nd 10km when I am feeling fatigued. First step up was simply to do 12km a little slower than my 10km pace to see if I could do it. I have 4 running apps on my phone giving me constant updates on pace, current time and distance. At 10km I knew that I had just 2km to go, I felt comfortable and knew I could do the bit extra surprisingly on 10km pace. On my rest days I still get out but walk between 7 and 10km depending on how my thigh is feeling. I set the goal of 15km next only 3 more than I have already done but a full 5km more than I have achieved before. The night before my 15km I used my trusty muscle rub which I cannot live without. Before setting out used it again, I am nursing a very tight and sore right thigh, but due to this I have really upset my ruptured achilles tendon on my left foot. I run normally with both achilles tendons tight and sore, but its something I have learnt to deal with but this is really pushing the pain levels. As I approached the 10km marker I was super happy with time and pace now begins the challenge. 11, 12, 13, 14 nearly there and still the only pain I have is in my right thigh and hip I reach my cooldown point very happy and only a little short of full target. The pain and discomfort caused by my injuries are not causing me any particular problems at the moment but after the 20km pencilled in for the weekend I am ready to reduce the distances ready for the GNR. I am currently on target for a 2hr 15min event which will blow my mind. Having done other events on the day running can be a little too fast, so my apps will be running and keeping my pace at what I know is fine. I have had many sleepless nights lately I am hoping that once I have completed the GNR that sleep may once again visit me. I know I can do it, I know I am capable of doing it, its the thought of letting all the people who have taken their hard earned money to sponsor me down. My time is not important, only to me, crossing the finish line is what matters. I have trained hard and consistently even through serious illness when I knew I shouldn't be out I did.
The money raised for Wheatfields is a goal I could have only wished for on the day I signed up. At the moment the total raised stands around the £540. Which is down to lovely people who have put faith in me to complete this challenge. It is also that unfortunately some people will have had their families and friends cared for by Wheatfields. I say unfortunately because when your loved one enters a hospice you understand probably for the first time that life is precious and all too short. I miss my Sister with a breaking heart everyday, I still can't believe that I can't pick up the phone and talk to her. My Sister Anne was a Daughter, Mother of 2 Nanna of 5 and a Sister to 4 and a partner in life with her soul mate. I will be forever in debt to Wheatfields for the care, compassion and time they had not only for Anne but her entire family. The money raised so far is amazing, I was delighted at £350 but to pass the £500 opened a floodgate of emotions. Thank you one and all for the very generous donations to Wheatfields in memory of Anne.
If you would like to help me, please follow the link below.