So the weather is wet and currently raining tge temperature is average the wind has dropped. Ideal running conditions, but this is exactly where the problem begins. To waterproof or not, gloves and hat ? So I decide that due to it raining already I shall wear my waterproof, I shall also wear my hat, this is not an unusual sight on me I like my ears nice and warm. Off we go, it soon becomes apparent that the jacket, hat and gloves are a good idea as I can feel a breeze and the temperature is a little bit cooler than I first expected. 3km in I now decide that the jacket, gloves and hat are a stupid idea as I am now way too hot and melting. I dont like running with my jacket round my waist and the pockets are not actually made to carry anything so I am stuck in my attire. Then comes an error of biblical madness my shoe doesn't feel tight enough so by whatever lack of sense hasnt left me in the heat of my attire I readjust the lace. I know I know. ....huge, monumental mistake. As I now have one tight shoe the other one feels slack so I make the same mistake again. At this point I am at about 4km my intention this morning was to do an 8km after my messing around with the shoes I set back off immediately there is a problem, my shoes are too tight. So do you stop and fiddle again or carry on and hope that they slacken themselves. I carry on but as I should have known my feet are getting tighter now because of swelling. By this point I have lost my pace and stride I am annoyed with myself for messing around. At 5km I know that I can no longer run in the attire and my shoes are squeezing my feet. I turn for home feeling utterly annoyed at myself. I shouls have known better than to play with my shoes I still cant believe I've done it. As for the attire its one of those things it can be difficult to find the balance. As they say tomorrow is another day and despite the agitated state of running my times are dropping significantly I am into the 5.59 per km which I can maintain just want it down a bit more. So out in the morning, today I have learnt if its not broken don't fix it.
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