A funny week for running, or lack of would be more apt. I haven't been in the best of places over the last week or so, as a result my running has suffered. For a while now I have been having severe pain in the back of my head just to the right of my neck. The instant and severe headaches that accompany the pain had been at best paralysing. I struggle with slurred speech and the pain in my right eye is tremendous. However, these attacks last only seconds but are blinding, they also cause balance problems. I have noticed an increase in frequency of these although there is no limit to how few or many I can have in a day, the only warning I have that an attack is imminent is the twitching of my right eye. After my latest attack Mark begged me to seek medical advice, after checking NHS DIRECT and all indicators led to a visit to A&E immediately I felt I had little choice but to face my fear. The fear I had was that it could be neuralgia which a friend of mine suffered from before being diagnosed with severe arthritis. I wanted to ignore all the symptoms I had and just leave it. But as these attacks are totally random I couldn't guess who would see one next. I know what Marks biggest fear was but that hadn't entered my head as I knew I would have more symptoms than what I had. The following morning I had another attack so it was time to call the GP I was terrified of what could lay ahead for me. The GP has initially diagnosed a trapped nerve in my 2nd vertebrae which is causing ice pick headaches, called such because of the severity of the pain and the almost immediate leaving of it. I was relieved to say the least, the exercises will determine if this is in fact a trapped nerve. I have had attacks since but I will persevere with the exercises.
I managed to run this morning in new shoes and tights and felt good. I managed a free km, basically I covered 6km in previous time of 5km whether this was down to the new gear or a little belief in the theory I'm not sure but it felt good to me.
This weekend we are doing a charity walk in aid of Brain Tumour Research and Support. Its a 10km walk which is a challenge for Mark, but as a charity that has supported both of us we welcome the opportunity to take part. Fingers crossed for the weather.
Enjoy your weekends all.
Wow what a rollercoaster. Bet that was a huge relief for you! Excellent progress, best wishes from me and my old man!